Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Much Do Weave Extensions Cost?

# 2: "First" school

Today I had my first real day of school today because I sometimes had lessons. And that history, English, German, social studies and dramatic forms (but was not a proper instruction, only meeting).

morning on rising, I've also somehow realized how broken my lungs from smoking in the whole summer holiday has become. I lay in bed as this and the breathing did not hurt, but it was a wengi exhausting and just simply feel uncomfortable ...
The school was then quite comfortable. In the first hour of history: it pisses me off now, already. All the facts, figures and facts I'll never be able to remember!
English was then rather disappointing, because we no longer have the teacher we had last year. We now have, which I did not know that she teaches English. If it does I do not think so. She teaches German and French. You realize it also. XD
She said something in English about our old teacher, but I could not quite understand her English: either our old teacher has had to cancel 4 days before school starts, or it comes in 4 days again ... I hope the latter.

And now the German LK: The teacher seems pretty comfortable to be. The school functions, she has shown us, however, deterred me totally. Hopefully, the subject is not too bad. For homework I had to just now, at least rather in the ass connect, but then habs but still made very well. Even if I fell asleep shortly after reading the work orders to a text by Immanuel Kant and woke up only after 2 hours, as am I phoned my father on the phone.

incidentally had also something very strange dream:
I found myself in the park next to our school and before me stood a huge machine. It consisted of a very high iron rod with 5m diameter. Initially the bar was still projecting vertically into the air, but later she was lying horizontally on a raised and turned quickly in rapidly on its axis circle. Which produced a meter above my head spinning rod has a fan-like Wind (Was indeed nothing but a huge fan), but this caused a strange feeling of weightlessness in me. Yes, yes ... pretty funny.


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